Les clowns appellent à la paix. Pour un cessez-le-feu immédiat et permanent !
Depuis l’horrible attaque du Hamas le 7 octobre dernier, plus de 28 000 personnes ont été tuées dans les attaques israéliennes à Gaza. Ceux qui restent souffrent de traumatismes, le besoin d’aide humanitaire et de soutien mental est énorme. Les Nations unies estiment qu’il y aurait 17 000 enfants de Gaza non accompagnés au milieu de cette guerre menée par Israël.
Les enfants tués aujourd’hui auraient survécu si un cessez-le-feu avait été mis en œuvre hier. Le monde doit agir maintenant et exiger l’arrêt de cette catastrophe humanitaire.
Ce message s’adresse à vous tous – aux hommes politiques et aux gouvernements de nos pays d’origine, aux syndicats internationaux, aux entreprises et à toutes les personnes qui croient que chaque enfant mérite de vivre. La paix est possible, mais il faut agir.
Nous vous implorons de ne pas détourner le regard. Les enfants de Gaza n’en peuvent plus. Pour un cessez-le-feu immédiat et permanent !
Signataires :
- Palhaços Sem Fronteiras Brasil
- Payasos Sin Fronteras España
- Clowns Without Borders Finland
- Clowns Sans Frontières France
- Clowns Sans Frontières Belgique
- Clowns Without Borders India
- Clowns Without Borders South Africa
- Clowns Without Border Sweden
- Clowns Without Borders Switzerland
- Clowns Without Borders UK
- Clowns Without Borders US
[english version]
Clowns across the world calling for peace – an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza now!
Since Hamas’s horrendous attack on October 7th last year, over 28,000 people have been killed in Israeli attacks in Gaza. Those who remain suffer from traumas, and the need for both humanitarian and mental health support is enormous. The UN estimates that at least 17,000 Gaza children are left unaccompanied amid Israel’s war.
Ten Clowns Without Borders organizations, spread across the world, are calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza! All children have the same right to life, survival, and development, as well as security, freedom, and hope for the future.
The children being killed today would have survived if a ceasefire had been implemented yesterday. The world must act now and demand a stop to this humanitarian catastrophe.
This message is directed to all of you – to the politicians and governments in our home countries, to international unions, to companies, and to all people who believe that every child deserves to live. Peace is possible, but it requires action.
We implore you not to look the other way. The children in Gaza can’t endure anymore. Stand up for an immediate and permanent ceasefire!
Signatories :
- Palhaços Sem Fronteiras Brasil
- Payasos Sin Fronteras España
- Clowns Without Borders Finland
- Clowns Sans Frontières France
- Clowns Sans Frontières Belgique
- Clowns Without Borders India
- Clowns Without Borders South Africa
- Clowns Without Border Sweden
- Clowns Without Borders Switzerland
- Clowns Without Borders UK
- Clowns Without Borders US